Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Seat Memory Control Module Scan Tool Information Seats

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Seating / Seat Memory Control Module Scan Tool Information Seats

Table 1: Seat Position Scan Tool Data Parameters
Table 2: Mirror Memory Scan Tool Data Parameters
Table 3: Left Front Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Scan Tool Data Parameters
Table 4: Right Front Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Scan Tool Data Parameters
Table 5: Seat Memory Control Module Scan Tool Output Controls
Seat Position Scan Tool Data Parameters


Expected Value


Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

Driver Seat Back Switch


The scan tool displays Inactive, Forward, or Rearward. When the seat recline switchis pressed, the scan tool displays the state of the seat recline switch.

Driver Seat Back Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive, Forward, or Rearward. When the seat recline switchis pressed or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displays the direction thememory control module is commanding the seat recline motor.

Driver Seat Back Position


The scan tool displays 0–65,535 counts. The hall effect sensor provides a determinednumber of pulse signals with each rotation of the motor that the scan tool displaysas counts. High count values indicate that the seat back is in the forward position,while low count values indicate that the seat back is in the rearward position.

Driver Seat Cushion Front Vertical Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive, Up or Down. When the seat front vertical switch ispressed or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displays the direction the memorycontrol module is commanding the seat front vertical motor.

Driver Seat Cushion Front Vertical Position


The scan tool displays 0–65,535 counts. The hall effect sensor provides a determinednumber of pulse signals with each rotation of the motor that the scan tool displaysas counts. High count values indicate that the seat front vertical is in the up position,while low count values indicate that the seat front vertical is in the down position.

Driver Seat Cushion Front Vertical Switch


The scan tool displays Inactive, Up or Down. This is the state of the seat front verticalswitch.

Driver Seat Cushion Rear Vertical Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive, Up or Down. When the seat rear vertical switch ispressed or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displays the direction the memorycontrol module is commanding the seat rear vertical motor.

Driver Seat Cushion Rear Vertical Position


The scan tool displays 0–65,535 counts. The hall effect sensor provides a determinednumber of pulse signals with each rotation of the motor that the scan tool displaysas counts. High count values indicate that the seat rear vertical is in the up position,while low count values indicate that the seat rear vertical is in the down position.

Driver Seat Cushion Rear Vertical Switch


The scan tool displays Inactive, Up or Down. This is the state of the rear verticaldownward switch.

Driver Seat Horizontal Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive, Forward, or Rearward. When the seat horizontal switchis pressed or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displays the direction thememory control module is commanding the seat horizontal motor.

Driver Seat Horizontal Position


The scan tool displays 0–65,535 counts. The hall effect sensor provides a determinednumber of pulse signals with each rotation of the motor that the scan tool displaysas counts. High count values indicate that the seat horizontal position is forward,while low count values indicate that the seat horizontal position is rearward.

Driver Seat Horizontal Switch


The scan tool displays Inactive, Forward, or Rearward. This is the state of the seathorizontal switch.

Memory Recall Switches


The scan tool displays Idle, Memory-1, Memory-2, or Memory-3. When a memory functionswitch is pressed, the scan tool will momentarily display the function selected.

Mirror Memory Scan Tool Data Parameters


Expected Value


Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

Driver Mirror Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive/Up/Down/Left/Right/Folding/Extending. When the powermirror switch is being used or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displaysthe direction the memory control module is commanding the driver mirror motors.

Driver Mirror Horizontal Position


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed represents the position of thedriver horizontal motor.

Driver Mirror Vertical Position


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed represents the position of thedriver vertical motor.

Mirror Direction Switch


The scan tool displays Inactive/Up/Down/Left/Right/Folding/Extending. The scan tooldisplays the current state of the power mirror switch.

Mirror Select Switch


The scan tool displays None/Left/Right. The scan tool displays the current state ofthe mirror select switch.

Passenger Mirror Direction Command


The scan tool displays Inactive/Up/Down/Left/Right/Folding/Extending. When the powermirror switch is being used or when a memory recall occurs, the scan tool displaysthe direction the memory control module is commanding the passenger mirror motors.

Passenger Mirror Horizontal Position


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed represents the position of thepassenger horizontal motor.

Passenger Mirror Vertical Position


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed represents the position of thepassenger vertical motor.

Left Front Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Scan Tool Data Parameters


Expected Value


Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

Driver Seat Blower Duty Cycle


The scan tool displays 0–100-%. The value displayed is a PWM signal from the heatedseat module to the logic terminal of the seat blower motor. Higher values indicatehigher blower motor speeds while lower values indicate lower blower motor speeds.

Driver Seat Cushion Heating Command


The scan tool displays Inactive or Active. This parameter displays the commanded outputfrom the heated seat module to the seat heater elements.

Driver Seat Cushion Temperature Sensor


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed is an input to the heated seatmodule from the seat cushion temperature sensor. Higher voltage readings indicatecooler seat temperatures while lower voltage readings indicate warmer seat temperatures.

Driver Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Level


The scan tool displays Off, Low Medium, or High. When the heated seat is active, thisparameter displays the selected temperature setting.

Driver Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Mode


The scan tool displays Off, Back & Cushion Heat, or Vent. This parameter indicatesthe heated or vented seat mode of operation.

Right Front Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Scan Tool Data Parameters


Expected Value


Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

Passenger Seat Blower Duty Cycle


The scan tool displays 0–100-%. The value displayed is a PWM signal from the heatedseat module to the logic terminal of the seat blower motor. Higher values indicatehigher blower motor speeds while lower values indicate lower blower motor speeds.

Passenger Seat Cushion Heating Command


The scan tool displays Inactive or Active. This parameter displays the commanded outputfrom the heated seat module to the seat heater elements.

Passenger Seat Cushion Temperature Sensor


The scan tool displays 0–5-V. The voltage displayed is an input to the heated seatmodule from the seat cushion temperature sensor. Higher voltage readings indicatecooler seat temperatures while lower voltage readings indicate warmer seat temperatures.

Passenger Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Level


The scan tool displays Off, Low Medium, or High. When the heated seat is active, thisparameter displays the selected temperature setting.

Passenger Seat Heating/Venting/Cooling Mode


The scan tool displays Off, Back & Cushion Heat, or Vent. This parameter indicatesthe heated or vented seat mode of operation.

Seat Memory Control Module Scan Tool Output Controls

Control Functions


Driver Mirror Fold

This output control is used to command the driver mirror to fold and unfold.

Driver Mirror Horizontal Movement

This output control is used to command the driver mirror left and right.

Driver Mirror Vertical Movement

This output control is used to command the driver mirror up and down.

Driver Seat Back Horizontal Movement

This output control is used to command the driver seat back Forward and Rearward.

Driver Seat Cushion Front Vertical Movement

This output control is used to command the driver seat cushion front vertical motorUp and Down.

Driver Seat Cushion Rear Vertical Movement

This output control is used to command the driver seat cushion rear vertical motorUp and Down.

Driver Seat Horizontal Movement

This output control is used to command the driver seat Forward and Rearward.

Driver Seat Cushion Heating

This output control is used to command the driver seat heater elements On.

Driver Seat Blower

This output control is used to command the driver seat blower motor On.

Passenger Mirror Fold

This output control is used to command the passenger mirror to fold and unfold.

Passenger Mirror Horizontal Movement

This output control is used to command the passenger mirror left and right.

Passenger Mirror Vertical Movement

This output control is used to command the passenger mirror up and down.

Passenger Seat Cushion Heating

This output control is used to command the passenger seat heater elements On.

Passenger Seat Blower

This output control is used to command the passenger seat blower motor On.

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