Service Manuals
Service Manuals have the diagnosis and repair information on the engines, transmission, axle, suspension, brakes, electrical, steering, body, etc.
Owner Information
Owner publications are written specifically for owners and intended to provide basic operational information about the vehicle. The Owner Manual includes the Maintenance Schedule for all models.
In-Portfolio: Includes a Portfolio, Owner Manual, and Warranty Manual.
RETAIL SELL PRICE: $35.00 - $40.00 (U.S.) plus handling and shipping fees.
Without Pouch: Owner Manual only.
RETAIL SELL PRICE: $25.00 (U.S.) plus handling and shipping fee
Current and Past Models
Service and Owner publications are available for many current and past model year GM vehicles.
ORDER TOLL FREE: 1-800-551-4123 Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern Time For Credit Card Orders Only (VISA-MasterCard-Discover), see Helm, Inc. at:
Or write to: Helm, Incorporated Attention: Customer Service 47911 Halyard Drive Plymouth, MI 48170 Prices are subject to change without notice and without incurring obligation. Allow ample time for delivery.
All listed prices are quoted in U.S.
funds. Make checks payable in U.S.
Fastener Tightening Specifications - Mirrors
Fastener Tightening SpecificationsApplicationSpecificationMetricEnglishInside Rearview Mirror2-Y18-lb-inOutside Rearview Mirror Bolts10-Y89-lb-inOutside Rearview Mirror Motor Screws5-Y44-lb-in ...