Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Setback Description Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / Setback Description Wheels

Setback applies to both the front and the rear wheels.Setback is the amount that one wheel may be aligned behind theother wheel. Setback may be the result of a road hazard or acollision. The first clue is a caster difference from side-to-sideof more than 1-degree.

Tire Rotation Wheels
Rotate the tires and wheels at frequent intervals to equalizewear. Refer toMaintenance Schedule. In addition to scheduledrotation, rotate the tire and wheel whenever uneven tire wear isnoticed.Radial ...

Front Wheel Drive Shaft Outer Joint and Boot Replacement Wheels
Special ToolsCH-48894Wheel Drive Shaft Boot Clamp PliersJ-35910Drive Axle Seal Clamp PliersNote:The outer Constant Velocity Joint is not service separately.If the CV joint is found to have excessive w ...

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