Warning:When carrying an undeployed inflator module:
Do not carry the inflator module by the wires orconnector.Make sure the air bag opening points away from you.When storing an undeployed inflator module:
Make sure the air bag opening points away from the surface onwhich the inflator module rests.Provide free space for the air bag to expand in case of anaccidental deployment.When storing a steering column, do not rest the column withthe air bag opening facing down and the column vertical. Lay thecolumn on its side.Failure to observe these guidelines may result in personalinjury.
Diagnostic Repair Verification
Note:After a repair has been made, some DTCs require the ignition to be turned OFF thenback ON before the scan tool function will clear the DTC.Ignition OFF.Install any components or connectors that have been removed or replaced during diagnosis.Perform any adjustment, programming or setup procedure ...