Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Steering Column Accident Damage Inspection Steering Wheel and Column

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Steering / Steering Column Accident Damage Inspection Steering Wheel and Column

Inspection ProcedureRemove the turn signal switch bracket. Refer toTurn Signal Switch Bracket Replacement.

Caution:Vehicles involved in accidents that result in any of thefollowing kinds of damage or situations, may also have a damaged ormisaligned steering column:

Frame damageMajor body damageSheet metal damageIf the steering column has been impactedIf the supplemental inflatable restraints system wasdeployedRemove the steering column from the vehicle. Refer toSteering Column Replacement.Rotate the steering column shaft. Verify the shaft turnsfreely and without interference.

Steering Column Accident Damage Inspection Steering Wheel and Column

Verify the E/A strap retainer-(1) is firmly seatedon the jacket.Verify there is no visual damage to the E/Astrap-(2).Measure the length of the upper shaft-(b) from theend of the upper jacket to the tip. The length of the upper shaftmust not be less than61-mm(2.4-in).Measure the length of the upper jacketassembly-(a). The length of the upper jacket assemblymust not be less than160-mm(6.3-in).If the steering column does not meet the specifications, thesteering column is damaged. Discard the damaged steering column.Install a NEW steering column. If the steering column meets thespecifications, install the steering column. Refer toSteering Column Replacement.Install the turn signal switch bracket. Refer toTurn Signal Switch Bracket Replacement.

Special Tools Hydraulic Steering
IllustrationTool Number/ DescriptionJ-8001Dial Indicator SetJ-22610Keystone Clamp PliersJ-24319-BSteering Linkage and Tie Rod PullerJ-25033-CPulley InstallerJ-25034-CPulley RemoverJ-39570Chassis EarJ- ...

Intermediate Steering Shaft Replacement Steering Wheel and Column
Intermediate Steering Shaft ReplacementCalloutComponent NameCaution:With wheels of the vehicle facing straight ahead, secure the steering wheel utilizingsteering column anti-rotation pin, steering col ...

Other materials:

Component Fastener Tightening Caution
Caution:Replacement components must be the correct part number forthe application. Components requiring the use of the thread lockingcompound, lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, or sealants areidentified in the service procedure. Some replacement componentsmay come with these coatings already applied ...

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