2014 Chevrolet Equinox and GMC Terrain Service Manual
Volume 1
This manual provides information on the diagnosis, the service procedures, the adjustments,and the specifications for the 2014 Chevrolet Equinox and GMC Terrain.
The technicians who understand the material in this manual and in the appropriateDealer Service Bulletins better serve the vehicle owners.
When this manual refers to a brand name, a part number, or a specific tool, you mayuse an equivalent product in place of the recommended item. All information, illustrations,and specifications in this manual are based on the latest product information availableat the time of publication approval. General Motors reserves the right to make changesat any time without notice.
Published by
North American Operations
General Motors LLC
Warren, Michigan 48090
The information cutoff date is 10/29/13.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying,and recording without the prior written permission of General Motors. This appliesto all text, illustrations, and tables.
#PI0018B: Front or Rear Side Door Window Binds, Moves Slowly, Makes Rattle/Squeak Noise, Poor Fit/Misalignment or is Inoperative - (Nov 8, 2013) Doors
Subject:Front or Rear Side Door Window Binds, Moves Slowly, Makes Rattle/Squeak Noise, PoorFit/Misalignment or is InoperativeModels: 2008-2014 GM Cars and Light Duty Trucks This PI has been revised to add the 2014 model year. Please discard PI0018A.Condition/ConcernSome customers may comment th ...