Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

GM studies indicate that plugged or restricted transmission oil coolers and pipescause insufficient transmission lubrication and elevated operating temperatures whichcan lead to premature transmission failure. Many repeat repair cases could have beenprevented by following published procedures for transmission oil cooler flushing andflow checking. This procedure includes flow checking and flushing the auxiliary transmissionoil cooler,if equipped.

Note:Use theDT-45096transmission oil cooling system flush and flow test toolor equivalent to flush and flow test the transmission oil cooler and the oil coolerpipes after the transaxle is removed for repairs.

Only GM Goodwrench DEXRON®VI automatic transmission fluid should be used when doinga repair on a GM transmission.

Time allowance for performing the cooler flow checking and flushing procedure hasbeen included in the appropriate labor time guide operations since the 1987 modelyear. The service procedure steps for oil cooler flushing and flow testing are asfollows:

Cooler Flow Check and Flushing StepsMachine Set-upDetermine Minimum Flow RateBack FlushForward FlushFlow TestCode Recording ProcedureClean-upSpecial ToolsDT 45096Transmission Oil Cooling System Flush and Flow Test ToolDT 45096-50Transmission Cooler Flush AdapterShop air supply with water/oil filters, regulator and pressure gauge — minimum 90-psiEye protectionRubber gloves

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

Machine Set-up

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Verify that the main power switch-(1) is in the OFF position.Place the main function switch-(2) in the IDLE position.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

ConnectDT 45096flush and flow test toolto the vehicle 12V-DC power source by connecting the red battery clip to the positive,+, battery post on the vehicle and connect the negative lead to a known good chassisground.Turn the main power switch to the ON position.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Caution:Do not overfill the supply vessel. Damage to the unit mayresult. To verify the fluid level, view the LCD screen displaywhile filling the unit, to ensure the fluid level does not exceed30-L (32-qt).

Fill the supply tank with Dexron®VI through the fill port.Reinstall and tighten the fill cap.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Connect a shop air supply hose to the quick-disconnect on the rear panel marked SUPPLYAIR.Determine Minimum Flow Rate

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


From the machine display, identify the temperature of the automatic transmission fluidthat is stored in the supply vessel ofDT 45096flush and flow test tool.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Determine whether the transmission oil cooler is steel or aluminum by using a magnet-(1)at the cooler flange-(2) at the radiator.Refer to the table below. Using the temperature from step-1, locate on either theSteel MINIMUM Flow Rate table or the Aluminum MINIMUM Flow Rate table the minimumflow rate in gallons per minutes (GPM). Record the minimum flow rate in GPMs and thesupply fluid temperature for further reference.


Fluid temperature: 75°FCooler type: Steel

The MINIMUM flow rate for this example would be 0.8-GPM.

Inspect transmission oil cooler lines for damage or kinks that could cause restrictedoil flow. Repair as needed and refer to the appropriate GM service manual procedures.Minimum Flow Rate in Gallons Per Minute (gpm)

Temperature Range



65 – 66°F

0.6 gpm

0.5 gpm

67 – 70°F

0.7 gpm

0.6 gpm

71 – 75°F

0.8 gpm

0.7 gpm

76 – 80°F

0.9 gpm

0.8 gpm

81 – 84°F

1.0 gpm

0.9 gpm

85 – 89°F

1.1 gpm

1.0 gpm

90 – 94°F

1.2 gpm

1.1 gpm

95 – 98°F

1.3 gpm

1.2 gpm

99 – 103°F

1.4 gpm

1.3 gpm

104 – 108°F

1.5 gpm

1.4 gpm

109 – 112°F

1.6 gpm

1.5 gpm

113 – 117°F

1.7 gpm

1.6 gpm

118 – 120°F

1.8 gpm

1.7 gpm

Back Flush Procedure

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Connect theDT 45096-50cooler flush adapter-(1) to the vehicle transmission oil cooler supply and return lines at the transmission.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Connect the black supply hose-(1) to the return line, top connector of the transmission,and the clear waste hose-(2) to the feed line, bottom connector of the transmission,to the vehicle cooler lines. This is the reverse flow – backflush direction.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Turn the main function switch to the FLUSH position. Allow the machine to operatefor 30-seconds.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Turn the main function switch to the IDLE position and allow the supply vessel pressureto dissipate.Forward Flush

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Disconnect the supply and waste hoses from the vehicle cooler lines. Reverse the supplyand waste hoses to provide a normal flow direction.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Turn the main function switch to the FLUSH position and allow machine to operate for30-seconds.Flow Test

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Note:If the flow rate is less than 0.5-gpm, the LCD displays an error message. Refer tothe Troubleshooting section of the operation manual.

Turn the main function switch to the FLOW position and allow the oil to flow for 15-seconds.Observe and note the flow rate; this is the TESTED flow rate.Compare the TESTED flow rate to the MINIMUM flow rate information previously recorded.If the TESTED flow rate is equal to or greater than the MINIMUM flow rate recorded,the oil cooling system is functioning properly. Perform Code Recording Procedure.If the TESTED flow rate is less than the MINIMUM flow rate previously recorded, repeatthe back flush and forward flush procedures.If the TESTED flow rate is less than the MINIMUM flow rate after the second test,perform Code Recording Procedure.Replace the transmission oil cooler.Reconnect supply and waste hoses to the cooler lines in the normal flow direction.Perform Flow Test.Perform Code Recording Procedure.Code Recording Procedure

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Turn the main function switch to the CODE position.


If power is interrupted prior to the recording of the seven-character code, the codewill be lost and the flow rate test will need to be repeated.The flow test must run for a minimum of 8–10 seconds and be above 0.5-GPM for a codeto be generated.Record TESTED flow rate, temperature, cycle and seven-character flow code informationon repair order.Clean-up

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit


Turn the main function switch-(2) to the IDLE position and allow the supply vesselpressure to dissipate.Turn the main power switch-(1) to the OFF position.

Note:A small amount of water may drain from the bottom of the unit when the air supplyis disconnected. This is a normal operation of the built-in water separator.

Disconnect the supply and waste hoses and the 12-volt power source from the vehicle.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Flushing and Flow Test (6T70) Automatic Transmission Unit

Disconnect the air supply hose fromDT 45096flush and flow test tool.Dispose of the waste ATF in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and localrequirements.

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