The following transmission-related indicators andmessages may be displayed on the Instrument PanelCluster-(IPC). For a complete listing and description ofall vehicle indicators and messages, refer toIndicator/Warning Message Description and Operation.
"TRANSMISSION HOT IDLE ENGINE"This message is displayed when the TCM detects a transmissionfluid temperature-(TFT) equal to or greater than132°C (270°F) for 5-seconds.
“SERVICE TRANSMISSION”This message displays when there is a problem with thetransmission.
Crankcase Ventilation System Description Emissions PCV
A crankcase ventilation system is used to consume crankcasevapors created during the combustion process instead of ventingthem to the atmosphere.Fresh air is supplied through a filter to the crankcase, thecrankcase mixes the fresh air with the blow-by gases and thenpassed through a positive crankcas ...