Trim Height Measurement
Trim height is a predetermined measurement relating tovehicle ride height. Incorrect trim heights can cause the vehicleto bottom out over bumps, damage to the suspension components andsymptoms similar to wheel alignment problems. Check the trimheights when diagnosing suspension concerns and before checking thewheel alignment.
Perform the following before measuring the trimheights:
Set the tire pressure to the specifications shown on thecertification label. Refer toVehicle Certification, Tire Placard, Anti-Theft, and Service Parts ID Label.Check the fuel level. Add additional weight if necessary tosimulate a full tank.One U.S. gallon of gasoline weighsapproximately-6.5-lbs. One liter of gasolineweights approximately-0.70-kg.
Make sure the passenger and rear compartments are empty,except tor the spare tire.Make sure the vehicle is on a flat and level surface, such asan alignment rack.For vehicles equipped with automatic level control, ensurethe system is functioning properly.Check that all the vehicle doors are securely closed.Check that the vehicle hood and rear deck lids are securelyclosed.Check for installed after market accessories or modificationsthat could affect trim height measurement:Larger of smaller than production wheels and tiresLifting or lowering kitsWheel opening flares or ground affectsMeasuring the P and R HeightsNote:The left andright-P-and-R-heightdifference should be no more than-12-mm(0.47-in).
Use the following procedure to measurethe-P-and-R-dimensions:
Lift the front bumper of the vehicle upabout-38-mm (1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Measure vertically from the ground to the bottom lip of thewheel opening through the centerline of the front wheel,P-height.Push the front bumper of the vehicle downabout-38-mm (1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Re-measure the-P-height as instep-4.The true-P-height is the average of themeasurements taken insteps-4-and-8. Refer toTrim Height Specifications.Repeat the above steps at the rear of the vehicle forthe-R-heights.Ifthe-P-and-R-heights areoutside of specifications, measurethe-Z-and-D-heights.Measuring the Z HeightNote:
In order to obtain the proper measurement, Z- willequal inner minus the outer.The left and right-Z-height differenceshould be no more than-12-mm(0.47-in).Use the following procedure to measurethe-Z-height:
Lift the front bumper of the vehicle upabout-38-mm-(1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Repeat this jouncing operation-2-moretimes for a total of-3-times.Measure from the center of the forward lower control armattaching bolt tip-(a)-to the alignmentrack.Measure from the center of the balljoint-(b)-to the alignment rack.The difference betweenthese-2-measurements-(a-b)-isthe-Z-height.Push the front bumper of the vehicle downabout-38-mm (1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Re-measure the-Z-height as instep-4.The true-Z-height is the average of themeasurements taken insteps-4-and-8. Refer toTrim Height Specifications.If any of these measurements are out of specifications,inspect for the following conditions:
Worn or damage suspension componentsCollision damageMeasuring the D HeightImportant:
In order to obtain the proper measurement, D-willequal inner minus the outer.The left and right-D-height differenceshould be no more than-12-mm(0.47-in).Use the following procedure to measure the D height:
Lift the rear bumper of the vehicle upabout-38-mm (1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Measure from the center of the inner pivotbolt-(A)-to the alignment rack.Measure from the center of the outer pivotbolt-(B)-to the alignment rack.The difference betweenthese-2-measurements isthe-D-height.Lift the rear bumper of the vehicle upabout-38-mm (1.5-in).Gently remove your hands and let the vehicle settle.Repeat this operation-2-more times fora total of-3-times.Re-measure the-D-height as instep-4.The true-D-height is the average of themeasurements taken insteps-4-and-8. Refer toTrim Height Specifications.If any of these measurements are out of specifications,inspect for the following conditions:
Worn or damage suspension componentsCollision damageIgnition and Start Switch Replacement Ignition System
Ignition and Start Switch ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureDisconnect the battery negative cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Disable the supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) system.Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Remove the steering column s ...