This vehicle has an anti-theft alarm system.
The indicator light, on the instrument panel near the windshield, indicates the status of the system: Off : Alarm system is disarmed.
On Solid : Vehicle is secured during the delay to arm the system.
Fast Flash : Vehicle is unsecured.
A door, the hood, or the liftgate is open.
Slow Flash : Alarm system is armed.
Transmission Identification Information Automatic Transmission Unit
617pakw7032ao00o45672425728600535631121ooooooooooxw1123653ulkx1234(1)Code for AutomaticTransmission(2)Model Year(3)Model for Transmission(4)Transmission Family(5)Source Code for Plant(6)Calendar Year(7)Julian Date(8)Shift/Line-(A/B)(9)Numeric sequence starting at0001-@-12:01-AM each day(10)Model Cod ...