It is very important to know how much weight the vehicle can carry. This weight is called the vehicle capacity weight and includes the weight of all occupants, cargo, and all nonfactory-installed options.
Two labels on the vehicle may show how much weight it may properly carry, the Tire and Loading Information label and the Certification/Tire label.
Do not load the vehicle any
heavier than the Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating
(GVWR), or either the
maximum front or rear Gross
Axle Weight Rating (GAWR). This can cause systems to break and change the way the vehicle handles. This could cause loss of control and a crash. Overloading can also reduce stopping distance, damage the tires, and shorten the life of the vehicle. |
Rear Side Door Adjustment Panels
Warning:In order to prevent SIR deployment, personal injury, orunnecessary SIR system repairs, do not strike the door or the doorpillar in the area of the side impact sensor (SIS). Turn OFF theignition and remove the key when performing service in the area ofthe SIS.Remove the door striker. Refer to ...