The tires and wheels were aligned and balanced at the factory to provide the longesttire life and best overall performance. Adjustments to wheel alignment and tire balancingare not necessary on a regular basis. Consider an alignment check if there is unusualtire wear or the vehicle is significantly pulling to one side or the other. Some slightpull to the left or right, depending on the crown of the road and/or other road surfacevariationssuch as troughs or ruts, is normal. If the vehicle is vibrating when driving on asmooth road, the tires and wheels may need to be rebalanced. See your dealer for properdiagnosis.
Driver Information Center (DIC)
The vehicle may have a Driver Information Center (DIC). It displays information aboutthe vehicle and warning messages if there is a system problem detected. DIC messagesdisplay in the center of the instrument cluster. SeeVehicle Messages.The vehicle may also have features that can be customized thro ...