Subject: | Vehicle Software Enhancements | |
Models: | 2014 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks | |
The new technology systems on today’s vehicles may have software enhancements availableto add additional functionality after the vehicle is produced. To meet customer expectations,GM may make these software enhancements available at no charge to customers and alsosupport updates to unsold vehicles. Most of these updates will be to the infotainmentsystems.
This opportunity to satisfy our customers will provide additional features, controlsor refreshed data, and are desired by the customer. Although no “deficiency” existedwith the original vehicle software, General Motors recognizes the desire of the consumerin certain instances to obtain this updated content to enhance their vehicle ownershipexperience. Consumers, as they have become more tech savvy, have higher expectationsof theirmanufacturer to be proactive in meeting their needs, and to make available upgradesof software for such devices as their computers, cell phones and personal computingtablets, at times with no cost out of pocket.
When these enhancements are announced by a GM Marketing division, a dealer servicebulletin will be issued advising which vehicles are eligible along with specific instructionsto update the software. There will be a unique Global Labor Code to claim reimbursementfor the labor time using Transaction Type ZSSP through the Global Warranty System.The dealer bulletin will describe the benefits of the new version of software availableandencourage the dealership to upgrade the vehicle for the customer with their consentto do so. Vehicles eligible for a software upgrade can be identified through the GlobalWarranty system, Investigate Vehicle History (IVH) in the Service Information Section,allowing easy service lane identification by the Service Consultant. All unsold eligiblevehicles should also be updated with the new software when directed by General Motors.
GM will also continue to provide dealers with technical bulletins covering diagnosticinformation that may also update software when the system does not perform as intended.These situations address normal warranty repairs and will usually be claimed usingthe published labor codes in the Labor Time Guide.
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
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