Preliminary ProceduresRemove both windshield wiper arms. Refer toWindshield Wiper Arm Replacement.Remove both air inlet grille panel extensions. Refer toAir Inlet Grille Panel Extension Replacement.Remove the hood rear weatherstrip. Refer toHood Rear Weatherstrip Replacement.Remove both front bumper fascia opening covers. Refer toFront Bumper Fascia Opening Cover Replacement.Disconnect the windshield washer pump hose from thewindshield washer nozzle hose at the left side rear fenderflange. | |
1 | Air Inlet Screen Push Pin Retainer (Qty:-2) |
2 | Air Inlet Screen ProcedureLift the front edge of the air inlet screen in order to clearboth windshield wiper transmission pivot shafts.Remove the air inlet screen.Transfer the windshield washer nozzles. Refer toWindshield Washer Nozzle Replacement.Transfer the windshield washer nozzle hose. Refer toWindshield Washer Nozzle Hose Replacement. |
Balance Shaft to Engine Timing (LAF, LEA, or LUK) Engine Block Cylinder Block Balance Shaft
Install the balance shaft drive sprocket.Note:If the balance shafts are not properly timed to the engine,the engine may vibrate or make noise.Install the balance shaft drive chain with the colored linkslined up on with the marks on the balance shaft drive sprockets andthe crankshaft sprocket. There ...