How to Check Automatic Transmission Fluid
It is not necessary to check the transmission fluid level.
A transmission fluid leak is the only reason for fluid loss. If a leak occurs, take the vehicle to your dealer and have it repaired as soon as possible.
There is a special procedure for checking and changing the transmission fluid. Because this procedure is difficult, this should be done at your dealer. Contact your dealer for additional information or the procedure can be found in the service manual. To purchase a service manual, see Service Publications Ordering Information.
Change the fluid at the intervals listed in Maintenance Schedule, and be sure to use the fluid listed in Recommended Fluids and Lubricants.
How to Wear Seat Belts Properly
This section is only for people of
adult size.
There are special things to know
about seat belts and children, and
there are different rules for smaller
children and infants. If a child will be
riding in the vehicle, see Older
Children or Infants and Young
Children. Follow those rules for