Note:This procedure is not used in Europe.
Special Tools
EN-43650 Balance Shaft Bushing Remover/Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Install the balance shaft bushing using the EN-43650 installer-(1).
Seat the balance shaft bushing into the bore using the EN-43650 installer-(1) and a wrench.When the EN-43650 installeris fully seated in the engine block, remove it with a wrench.
Note:If the balance shafts are not properly timed to the engine, the engine may vibrateor make noise.
Place the number one piston at top dead center (TDC).Lubricate the balance shaft lobes with engine oil.Install the balance shafts-(1) into their bores.Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the balance shaft retaining bolts and tighten to 10-Y -(89-lb-in).Transmission Control Lever Knob Replacement Automatic Transmission Unit
Transmission Control Lever Knob ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Shift Control KnobTip:Pull knob up off shift lever. Considerable effort may berequired to remove knob from shift control lever.Place shift lever in the Neutral position.2Shift Control ConnectorProcedureVerify the operation of the tap u ...