Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Engine

Windshield Wiper Transmission Replacement (Terrain) Automatic Transmission Unit
Windshield Wiper Transmission ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresRemove the air inlet screen. Refer toAir Inlet Screen Replacement.Disconnect the electrical connector to the windshi ...

Crankcase Ventilation System Description Emissions PCV
A crankcase ventilation system is used to consume crankcasevapors created during the combustion process instead of ventingthem to the atmosphere.Fresh air is supplied through a filter to the crankcase ...

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Body Waterleak Repair
Warning:If the vehicle interior is exposed to moisture and becomessoaked up to the level of the sensing and diagnostic module (SDM),the SDM and SDM harness connector must be replaced. The SDM couldbe activated when powered, which could cause airbag deployment andresult in personal injury.Depending o ...

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