Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Clean the crankshaft balancer-(1).Clean the belt grooves of all dirt or debris with a wirebrush.

Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.

Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.Inspect the crankshaft balancer for the following:Worn, grooved, or damaged hub seal surfaceA crankshaft balancer hub seal surface with excessivescoring, grooves, rust or other damage must be replaced.

Note:In order for the belt to track properly, the belt groovesshould be free of all dirt or debris.

Dirty or damaged belt grooves

The balancer belt grooves should be free of any nicks,gouges, or other damage that may not allow the belt to trackproperly.

Minor imperfections may be removed with a fine file.Worn, chunking or deteriorated rubber between the hub andpulley
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