Removal ProcedureTurn OFF the ignition.Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.
Remove the heat shield (2) from the starter.Disconnect the knock sensor connector.Disconnect and remove the bank 1 sensor 2 oxygen sensor after the left catalytic converter.Refer toHeated Oxygen Sensor Replacement - Bank 1 Sensor 2
Remove the battery positive nut-(1) and the engine harness connector-(2), from thestarter solenoid-(3).
Remove the starter motor bolts-(1).Remove the starter motor (2).Installation Procedure
Install the starter motor (2).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the starter motor mounting bolts. Tighten to 50-Y (37-lb-ft).Install the battery positive cable and engine harness connector to the starter. Tightenthe battery positive cable nut-(1) to 13-Y-(115-lb-in).Install the engine harness connector to the starter solenoid.
Install the starter heat shield-(2) and tighten the bolt-(1) to 5-Y-(44-lb-in).Connect the knock sensor connector.Install and connect the bank 1 sensor 2 oxygen sensor.
Differential Housing Support Bushing Replacement (Front) Differentials Differential Carrier
Differential Housing Support Bushing ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the Rear Differential Module. Refer toDifferential Replacement.1Rear Differential Mount BushingTip:Use the appropriate tool to remove the bushing. ...