Special Tools
J 38185Hose Clamp Pliers
Removal ProcedureDrain the cooling system. Refer toCooling System Draining and Filling.Raise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.Disengage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(1) at the radiator usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Remove the radiator outlet hose-(2) from theradiator.
Remove radiator outlet hose bracketretainer-(1).Disengage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(2) at the thermostat housing usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Remove the radiator outlet hose-(4) from thethermostat housing.Disengage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(3) at the engine oil cooler usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Remove the radiator outlet hose-(4) from theengine oil cooler.Remove the radiator outlet hose from the vehicle.Installation ProcedureInstall radiator outlet hose to the vehicle.
Note:Lubricate the inside diameters of the hose with clean coolantprior to installation.
Install the radiator outlet hose-(4) to the engineoil cooler.Engage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(3) at the engine oil cooler usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Install the radiator outlet hose-(4) to thethermostat housing.Engage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(2) at the thermostat housing usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Install radiator outlet hose bracketretainer-(1).Install the radiator outlet hose-(2) to theradiator.Engage tension on the radiator outlet hoseclamp-(1) at the radiator usingJ 38185Hose Clamp Pliers.Lower the vehicle.Fill the cooling system. Refer toCooling System Draining and Filling.
Front Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Cup, Washer, and Lubricant Dam Replacement - Torque Converter Housing Side Automatic Transmission Unit
Table 1: Bearing Cup, Washer and Lubricant Dam RemovalTable 2: Bearing Cup, Washer and Lubricant Dam InstallationBearing Cup, Washer and Lubricant Dam RemovalupBearing Cup, Washer and Lubricant Dam RemovalCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureDo not install the bearing cup until after the select ...