Apply a liberal amount of lubricant to the pivotpocket-(1), roller-(2) and valveslot-(3) areas of the camshaft followers. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealersfor recommendedlubricant.
Note:The follower must be positioned squarely on the valve tip sothat the full width of the roller will completely contact thecamshaft lobe. If the followers are being reused you must put themback in their original location.
Place the camshaft followers in position on the valve tip andstationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA).The rounded head end of the follower goes on the SHLA whilethe flat end goes on the valve tip.Clean the camshaft journals and carriers with a clean,lint-free cloth.Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement Trim Panels/Welts
Front Side Door Trim Panel ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Front Side Door Inside Handle Bolt Finish CapTip:Pull handle back to remove cap. Use suitable tool tounsnap.2Front Side Door Inside Handle FastenerCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten2.5-Y-(22-lb-in)3Front Side Door Pull Handle Cover4Fr ...