Remove the rear lift bracket-(1).
Remove the front lift bracket-(1).
Remove the ignition coil-(1).
Remove the camshaft housing coverinsulator-(1).
Note:DO NOT remove the PCV hose from the camshaft cover. If damageto the hose or connectors is present, the cover must bereplaced.
Remove the camshaft cover assembly-(1).Remove and discard the camshaft cover gasket, camshaft covergrommets, and camshaft cover bolts if they are serviced with thegrommet.Front Differential Transfer Drive Gear Support Assembly Disassemble Automatic Transmission Unit
Table 1: Seal RemovalTable 2: Fluid Passage Tube RemovalSeal RemovalSeal RemovalCalloutComponent NameCaution:Do not remove the transfer drive gear bearing retaining nut.The drive gear and bearing are not serviceable. Removing theretaining nut will damage the support.Preliminary ProcedureInspect the ...