Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Crankcase Ventilation System Inspection/Diagnosis (Without Turbocharger) Emissions PCV

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Crankcase Ventilation System Inspection/Diagnosis (Without Turbocharger) Emissions PCV

Special Tools

EN 23951Valve Manometer

Remove the oil level indicator. Install aEN 23951valve manometeror equivalent.Start the engine.Check for slight vacuum. The vacuum level should be less than3.377-kPa (1-in-Hg).If vacuum is higher, inspect and verify that the clean airhose from cam cover to air intake is not blocked or kinked.If vacuum is in the normal range, block or pinch off theclean air hose. The clean air hose is the hose between the camcover and air intake system. Vacuum should increase on themanometer. If held too long, vacuum will be drawn through thecrankshaft seals creating a sucking sound.If vacuum does not increase, the orifice in the intakemanifold could be plugged.If there is zero vacuum or pressure, verify compression ofthe engine.If compression is normal, check for a blocked orifice at theintake manifold. Clean the orifice.
Valve Spring Inspection and Measurement Valvetrain Valve Actuating Assembly
Special ToolsEN 22738-BValve Spring TesterFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Inspection ProcedureClean the valve springs in solvent.Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.Dry the val ...

Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan
Special Tools EN 28410 Gasket RemoverFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial ToolsCleaning ProcedureRemove any old thread sealant, gasket material or sealant using EN 28410 remover.Clean the oi ...

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