Special Tools
EN 43653Flywheel Holding Tool
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools
InstallEN 43653holding tool-(1) in the starter assembly location, engagingthe flywheel, in order to prevent crankshaft rotation.
Remove the balancer retaining bolt-(1) and washer.Discard the bolt.Remove the balancer-(2) using a universal removaltool.
Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 2 Engine Control Engine Control Sensors Knock Sensor
Knock Sensor Replacement - Bank 2CalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRaise and support the vehicle. Refer toLifting and Jacking the Vehicle.1Knock Sensor FastenerCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten25-Y (18-lb-ft)2Knock SensorProcedureDisconnect the electrical connector. ...