Special Tools
EN-47909Injector Bore and Sleeve Cleaning Kit
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Clean the fuel injector bore in the cylinder head using theEN-47909kit.Install the fuel rail-(1) with injectors into thecylinder head evenly.Hand tighten the 2-outer fuel rail bolts to seatthe injector into the injector bores.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Start and hand tighten the remaining fuel rail bolts. Tightenthe bolts in sequence to final torque using the followingprocedure:Tighten first pass in sequence to25-Y(18-lb-ft).Tighten final pass in sequence to25-Y(18-lb-ft).Connect the electrical harness to the fuel rail harnessconnections.Install the fuel injection fuel rail noiseshield-(1).
Lift Plate and Holding Fixture Removal Automatic Transmission Unit
Lift Plate and Holding Fixture RemovalCalloutComponent Name1 DT-46625 Transmission Holding FixtureFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Note:Raise the transmission in order to remove the holding fixture.2 DT-47811-S1 Transmission Lift PlateFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecia ...