Removal ProcedureRemove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner. Refer toPrimary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Tensioner Replacement.
Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower guidebolts.Remove the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide.Installation Procedure
Position the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide to theoil pump.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide boltsand tighten to25-Y(18-lb-ft).Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner. Refer toPrimary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Tensioner Replacement.Clock
Base Radio
The infotainment system controls
are used to access the time and
date settings through the menu
system. See Operation on
how to use the menu system.
Setting the Time and Date
When Auto Set is enabled the time
cannot be manually set.
Press , then touch