Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Crankshaft Balancer Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Crankshaft Balancer Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Special ToolsEN-48585 Crankshaft Balancer GuideEN-48953 Camshaft Actuator Locking ToolEN 38122-A Crankshaft Balancer HolderEN 43653 Flywheel Holding ToolEN 45059 Angle Meter

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

Crankshaft Balancer Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Caution:Ensure both components are aligned correctly or seriousengine damage will occur.

Install the EN 38122-A holder into the end of the crankshaft.Install the balancer-(1) onto the EN-48585 guide. Use care to properly align the keyway and flats on the balancer with the oil pumpdrive.

Crankshaft Balancer Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Note:EN 43653 locking tool may be used instead of EN 38122-A holder to prevent crankshaft rotation.

Install the EN 38122-A holder-(1).

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

Note:Always install a new crankshaft balancer retaining bolt and washer.

Install a new retaining bolt and washer. Use the EN 38122-A holder and a breaker bar to prevent the crankshaft from rotating when tightening the bolt.Tighten the bolt to 150-Y (111-lb-ft) plus 100-degrees using the EN 45059 meter.

Crankshaft Balancer Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft

Install the EN-48953 locking tool-(1) and tighten the bolts into the cylinder head. Tighten the EN-48953 locking tool retaining bolts to 10-Y (89-lb-in).Release the timing chain tensioner by applying 45-Y (33-lb-ft) counterclockwise torque to the crankshaft balancer bolt.Remove the EN-48953 locking tool.

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