Cleaning ProcedureClean the oil pump components with non-corrosivesolvent.
Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.
Dry the oil pump components with compressed air.Inspection ProcedureNote:There are no serviceable components within the oil pump.Disassemble the pump only to diagnose an oiling concern. Adisassembled oil pump must not be reused. A disassembled oil pumpmust be replaced.
Inspect the oil pump housing for the following:Damage, scoring, or debris on the housing surface for thedriven gear-(1)Damage to the oil pump mounting bosses-(2)Damage, scoring, or debris on the housing surface for thedrive gear-(3)Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump relief valveport-(4)Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump intakeport-(5)Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump relief valvebore-(6)Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump outputport-(7)Damage to the threads in the oil pump housing for the oilpump cover bolts-(8)Inspect the oil pump cover for the followingconditions:Damage to the oil pump cover mountingbosses-(1)Damage, scoring, or debris in the oil pump cover oilpassages-(2)Damage to the sealing surface between the oil pump cover andthe oil pump housing-(3)
Inspect the inner drive gear for damage. If inner diameterdamage is found, ensure the crankshaft is also inspected.
Inspect the outer driven gear for damage.
Inspect the oil pump relief valve components for debris ordamage.
Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain lower guide fordamage-(1–3).If debris or damage is present within the oil pump, furtherinspection of all of the engine components is necessary.
Indicator/Warning Message Description and Operation Gauges
INDICATOR LIGHT ONRefer to the OWNER’S MANUAL for the descriptions and explanations of all indicatorlights.For diagnosis and repair information related to an indicator light refer to the SystemDiagnosis and the Description of Operation that the message relates to.MESSAGE DISPLAYEDRefer to the OWNE ...