Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

Note:Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage one timing driveassembly position.

Install the primary camshaft drive chain.

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

Wrap the primary camshaft drive chain around the largesprockets of each camshaft intermediate drive chain idler and thecrankshaft sprocket.

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

The left camshaft intermediate drive chain idler timingmark-(1) will align with a timing camshaft drive chainlink-(2).

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

The right camshaft intermediate drive chain idler timingmark-(2) will align with a timing camshaft drive chainlink-(1).

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

The crankshaft sprocket timing mark-(2) will alignwith a timing camshaft drive chain link-(1).

Primary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation Valvetrain Camshaft

Ensure all the timing marks-(2, 3, 6) are properlyaligned with the timing camshaft drive chain links-(1,4, 5).

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