Note:Setting the camshaft timing is necessary whenever thecamshaft drive system has been disturbed such that the relationshipbetween any chain and sprocket has been lost. Even when only onesprocket is involved, multiple crankshaft rotations will notproduce conditions where correct timing can be confirmed.
Follow the left bank secondary camshaft drive chainreplacement procedures to reset the camshaft timing. Refer toSecondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Replacement - Left Side.
#10-08-46-001A: Radio Does Not Mute Enough When OnStar Turn-By-Turn Navigation Directions Are Announced (Increase Volume Setting or Request Soft Mute...
Subject:Radio Does Not Mute Enough When OnStar® Turn-by Turn Navigation Directions Are Announced(Increase Volume Setting or Request Soft Mute Feature Change Through OnStar® CustomerService)Models: 2009-2014 GM Cars and TrucksAll Equipped with OnStar® (RPO UE1)This bulletin has been revised to ad ...