Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Install the NEW intake manifold gasket-(1).

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Install the intake manifold assembly-(2).Install the intake manifold bolts-(1).

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

Tighten the intake manifold bolts in the sequenceshown.Tighten the intake manifold bolts in sequence to25-Y(18-lb-ft).Tighten the intake manifold bolts a second pass in sequenceto25-Y(18-lb-ft).

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Install the fuel pump cover-(2).Install the fuel pump cover bolt-(1) and tightento10-Y(89-lb-in).

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Connect the evaporative-(EVAP) hose to the upperintake manifold and EVAP solenoid.

Intake Manifold Installation Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold

Connect the positive crankcase ventilation-(PCV)tube assembly-(1) to the upper intake manifold and theright camshaft cover.

Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Installation Engine Block Cylinder Block Cyl Block Front Cover
Install the engine front cover-(1) with a newgasket-(2).Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Note:The center bolt-(1) should be tightenedlast.Install the engine front cover bolts and tighten to25-Y-(18-lb ...

Intake Manifold Assemble Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold
Install the NEW plastic compressionlimiters-(1).Install the NEW lower intake manifoldgaskets-(3).Install the lower intake manifold-(2) andbolts-(1).Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten the lower i ...

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