Install the NEW plastic compressionlimiters-(1).
Install the NEW lower intake manifoldgaskets-(3).Install the lower intake manifold-(2) andbolts-(1).
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Tighten the lower intake manifold bolts-(1) to7-Y(62-lb-in).Install the MAP sensor-(2).Install the MAP sensor bolt-(1) and tighten to4-Y(35-lb-in).
Install the EVAP solenoid-(1).Tighten the EVAP solenoid bolt to10-Y(89-lb-in).
Install the NEW throttle body seal-(3).Install the throttle body-(2).Install the throttle body bolts-(1) and tighten to10-Y (89 lbin).
Fuel (Gasoline)
GM recommends the use of TOP
TIER detergent gasoline to keep the
engine cleaner and reduce engine
deposits. See
for a list of TOP TIER detergent
gasoline marketers and applicable
Do not use any fuel labeled E85 or
FlexFuel. Do not use gasoline with
ethanol ...