Special ToolsEN-8062Valve Spring CompressorEN-9666Valve Spring TesterEN-43963Valve Spring Compressor (off car)
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Caution:In order to avoid damage, install the spark plugs after thecylinder head has been installed on the engine.
Caution:Refer toComponent Fastener Tightening Caution.
Install NEW cylinder head plugs. Coat the plugs with sealer.Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.Inspect the valve springs for the followingconditions:Expanded heightUnparallel spring endsSpring tension usingEN-9666testerAny distorted springs should be replacedInspect the valves and the valve seats. Refer toValve and Seat Grinding.
Install the valves-(1). Replace the valves, ifrequired.
Note:Always use NEW valve stem oil seals when assembling thecylinder head.
Install the NEW valve seals-(1). Fully seat theseals on the valve guides.Install the springs-(1).
Warning:Compressed valve springs have high tension against the valvespring compressor. Valve springs that are not properly compressedby or released from the valve spring compressor can be ejected fromthe valve spring compressor with intense force. Use care whencompressing or releasing the valve spring with the valve springcompressor and when removing or installing the valve stem keys.Failing to use care may cause personal injury.
Caution:Do not compress the valve springs to less than24.0-mm (0.943-in). Contact between the valvespring retainer and the valve stem oil seal can cause potentialvalve stem oil seal damage.
Install the retainers and keys using the followingprocedure:Install the retainer-(2).Using theEN-8062compressorand theEN-43963compressor, compress the valve spring.Install the valve keys-(1).Slowly release theEN-8062compressorand theEN-43963compressor (off car)from the valve/spring assembly.Inspect for proper valve key seating.Lubricate the camshaft position sensor O-ring with cleanengine oil.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Install the intake camshaft position sensor-(1)and bolt. Tighten the bolt to10-Y(89-lb-in).Install the cylinder head air bleed tube-(1) andtighten the tube to15-Y(11-lb-ft).
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