Preliminary ProcedureRemove the front bumper fascia opening cover. Refer toFront Bumper Fascia Opening Cover ReplacementDisconnect the negative battery cable. Refer toBattery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection.Remove the engine control module (ECM). Refer toEngine Control Module Replacement.Remove the air conditioning compressor hose retaining nut from the side of the batteryheat shield and reposition the retaining clamp. | |
1 | Nut Warning:Refer toExhaust Service Warning. Caution:Refer toFastener Caution. Tighten9-Y (80-lb-in). |
2 | Bolt Tighten9-Y (80-lb-in). |
3 | Bolt Tighten9-Y (80-lb-in). |
4 | Battery Heat Shield |
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If you find an error in a GM Service manual, or if you have asuggestion about a GM service manual, we want to hear fromyou.When calling, be prepared with the followinginformation:Your nameThe name of your dealershipThe phone number of your dealershipThe model year and the vehicle lineThe publication ...