Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Special ToolsEN 49245Injector Seal Installer KitEN 49247Injector Retaining Clip Installer

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Disconnect and remove the fuel rail wiringharness-(1).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Taking care not to touch or apply force to the injector tipor electrical connector, remove the fuel injectorretainer-(1) by spreading both sides at the same time. Alarge, sturdy snap ring plier can help with this. Discard theretainer.Holding the largest diameter/body of the injector only,indicated by arrow in graphic, and using a slight twisting motion,remove the fuel injector-(2) from the fuel rail.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Using pliers, remove the fuel injector bushing-(3)straight out from injector body. Discard bushing-(3).Remove and discard the fuel injectorO-ring-(1) and plasticspacers-(2).Remove and discard the fuel injectorseals-(4).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Applying force to the plastic housing of the sensor willdestroy the sensor. To tighten or loosen, only apply force to theattached hexagon.

Remove the fuel pressure sensor-(1).

Note:Do not soak or submerge the fuel rail or injectors insolvent.

Clean the exterior of the fuel rail and injectors withsolvent.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Inspect the fuel rail-(1) and components for thefollowing conditions:Damage, debris or restrictions to the fuel railDamage, debris or restrictions to the fuel ports in the fuelrailDamage to the mounting area for the fuel railDamage to the fuel rail mounting bolts or mounting boltgrommets/isolatorsDamage to the threads on the fuel rail feed fittingDamage to the threads in the fuel pressure sensor boreDamage to the fuel pressure sensor connector, threads, orsealing face

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Applying force to the plastic housing of the sensor willdestroy the sensor. To tighten or loosen, only apply force to theattached hexagon.

Install the fuel pressure sensor-(1).

Note:Ensure that the fuel rail threads have been cleaned of anyexcess fuel or the fuel pressure sensor will NOT sealproperly.

Lubricate the threads and the sealing area in the fuel railwith silicon free engine oil. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealersfor recommendedlubricant.Lubricate the threads and the sealing area on the fuelpressure sensor with silicon free engine oil. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealersfor recommendedlubricant.Install the fuel pressure sensor hand tight.Remove the fuel pressure sensor andre-lubricate.

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

Install the fuel pressure sensor and tighten to33-Y(25-lb-ft).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Inspect the fuel injectors for the followingconditions:Damage to the fuel injector connector-(1)Damage to the fuel inlet cone-(2)Damage to the fuel injector body-(3)Damage to the fuel injector tip-(4)Replace the fuel rail or injector if any damage is found. Donot attempt to repair a fuel rail or injector.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:The fuel injector bushing-(1) is to be installedBEFORE O-ring or backup rings are installed.

Install NEW fuel injector bushing-(1) ontoinjector body. Bushing should seat with a distinct“snap” sound and feel. Ensure bushing is fullyseated.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Install the NEW white plastic spacer-(3) on thefuel injector first.Install the brown plastic spacer-(2)second.Lubricate the NEW O-ring-(1) with 5W30 engineoil.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Do NOT install the Teflon injector tip/bore seals until AFTERthe injectors are installed on the fuel rail.

Holding the largest diameter/body of the injector only,indicated by arrow in graphic, insert the injectorassembly-(1) into the fuel rail. Ensure correctorientation of the electrical connector-(2).Clamp the fuel rail in a bench vise USING SOFT JAWS to aid inholding the rail during the installation of the retainer.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Ensure the retainer is set properly intoEN 49247installer.

The notch should always face forward-(1)The retainer should be behind the plate-(2)The tool windows allow for visualalignment-(3)Install the fuel injector retainer onto theEN 49247installer.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note the following points when preparing to use theEN 49247installer.

There is a 15-degree angle of rotation-(1) withthe fuel rail flanges relative to the fuel rail. You must hold theEN 49247installerat a similar angle to ensure installing the retainerproperly.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

The retainer-(1) should almost touch theelectrical connector-(2), and the base of theEN 49247installershould be positioned as shown before you begin to squeezethe tool to complete the installation. This will help ensure theretainer is properly located relative to the injector and fuel railflanges.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Holding the injector bushing-(2) and fuel railflanges-(1) in alignment, and holding the injectorassembly firmly against the fuel rail so there is no gapbetween-(1) and-(2), install the fuelinjector retainer-(3).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Caution:Ensure the fuel injector retainer is properly installed.Failure to completely install the retainers may degrade fuelinjection system performance or cause system malfunction.

Ensure all-3 fuel injector bushing tabs and fuelrail flanges-(1) are properly and completely captured bythe fuel injector retainer.Repeat for remaining injectors until all are installed andretained in fuel rail.

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Install the fuel rail wiring harness-(1).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Do not use any type of lubricant when installing the NEWseals-(2) on the fuel injector tip.

InstallEN 49245-1long protector-(3) onto the fuel injector tip, covering thefirst recessed area closest to the tip. Place a NEWseal-(2) onEN-49245-1long protector.UsingEN-49245-3pusher-(1), install the seal into the second recessedarea-(4) of the fuel injector.

Note:TheEN-49245-4sizeris two sided, and either direction will size the sealcorrectly.

Compress the seal with your fingers, then resize the sealusing theEN-49245-4sizer-(5).

Fuel Rail and Injectors Cleaning and Inspection Fuel System Fuel Rail

Note:Do not use any type of lubricant when installing the NEWseals-(2) on the fuel injector tip.

InstallEN-49245-2short protector-(3) onto the fuel injector tip. Place a NEWseal-(2) onEN-49245-2short protector.UsingEN-49245-3pusher-(1), install the seal into the first recessedarea-(4) of the fuel injector.

Note:TheEN-49245-4sizeris two sided, and either direction will size the sealcorrectly.

Compress the seal with your fingers, then resize the sealusing theEN-49245-4sizer-(5).
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