Special Tools
EN-29184 Oil Seal Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Removal ProcedureRemove the crankshaft balancer. Refer toCrankshaft Balancer Replacement.Remove the crankshaft front oil seal using a suitable flat blade tool.Installation Procedure
Note:Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal or the crankshaft balancer sealingsurfaces.
Use the EN-29184 installer-(1) or equivalent to install the crankshaft front oil seal-(2).Install the crankshaft balancer. Refer toCrankshaft Balancer Replacement.Crankshaft Balancer Replacement Engine Block Cylinder Block Crankshaft
Special ToolsEN-38416-2 Crankshaft ButtonEN-41816 Crankshaft Balancer RemoverEN-41998-B Crankshaft Balancer InstallerEN-45059 Angle MeterEN-46106 Flywheel Holding ToolFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Removal ProcedureRemove the drive belt. Refer toDrive Belt Replacement.Remove th ...