Disconnect and remove the positive crankcaseventilation-(PCV) tube-(1) from the intakemanifold and right camshaft cover.
Remove the evaporative-(EVAP) hose from the intakemanifold and EVAP solenoid.
Remove the fuel pump cover bolt-(1).Remove the fuel pump cover-(2).
Remove the intake manifold bolts-(1).Remove the intake manifold assembly-(2).
Remove and discard the intake manifoldgasket-(1).
Front Bumper Fascia Bracket Replacement Bumpers Front Bumper
Front Bumper Fascia Bracket ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the headlamp assembly. Refer toHeadlamp Replacement.1Front Bumper Fascia Bracket Assembly Screw(Qty:-2)Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Hand tighten the screws.2Front Bumper Fascia Bracket AssemblyTip:Detach the ...