Electrical Power Management
The electrical power management is used to monitor and control the charging systemand alert the driver of possible problems within the charging system. The electricalpower management system makes the most efficient use of the generator output, improvesthe battery state-of-charge, extends battery life, and manages system electrical loads.
The load shed operation is a means of reducing electrical loads during a low voltageor low battery state-of-charge condition.
The idle boost operation is a means of improving generator performance during a lowvoltage or low battery state-of-charge condition.
Each electrical power management function, either idle boost or load shed, is discrete.No two functions are active at the same time. Idle boost is activated in incrementalsteps, idle boost 1 must be active before idle boost 2 can be active. The criteriaused by the body control module (BCM) to regulate electrical power management areoutlined below:
Electrical Power Management Block DiagramK9Body Control ModuleK20Engine Control ModuleG13GeneratorSerial Data - GMLAN High Speed
K9-Body Control Module
K20-Engine Control Module
Idle Boost 1 Start | Less Than −15°C (5°F) | Less Than 13 V | — | First level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 1 Start | — | — | Battery has a net loss greater than 0.6 Ah | First level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 1 Start | — | Less Than 10.9 V | — | First level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 1 End | Greater Than −15°C (5°F) | Greater Than −12 V | Battery has a net loss less than 0.2 Ah | First level Idle boost request cancelled |
Load Shed 1 Start | — | — | Battery has a net loss of 4 Ah | Rear Defrost, Heated Mirrors, Heated Seats cycled OFF for 20% of their cycle |
Load Shed 1 Start | — | Less Than 10.9 V | — | Rear Defrost, Heated Mirrors, Heated Seats cycled OFF for 20% of their cycle |
Load Shed 1 End | — | Greater Than 12 V | Battery has a net loss of less than 2 Ah | Clear Load Shed 1 |
Idle Boost 2 Start | — | — | Battery has a net loss greater than 1.6 Ah | Second level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 2 Start | — | Less Than 10.9 V | — | Second level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 2 End | — | Greater Than 12 V | Battery has a net loss less than 0.8 Ah | Second level Idle boost request cancelled |
Idle Boost 3 Start | — | — | Battery has a net loss of 10 Ah | Third level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 3 Start | — | Less Than 10.9 V | — | Third level Idle boost requested |
Idle Boost 3 End | — | Greater Than 12 V | Battery has a net loss of less than 6.0 Ah | Third level Idle boost request cancelled |
Load Shed 2 Start | — | Less Than 10 V | Battery has a net loss greater than 12 Ah | Rear Defrost, Heated Mirrors, Heated Seats cycled OFF for 50% of their cycle. TheBATTERY SAVER ACTIVE message will be displayed on the DIC |
Load Shed 2 Start | — | Less Than 10.9 V | — | Rear Defrost, Heated Mirrors, Heated Seats cycled OFF for 50% of their cycle. TheBATTERY SAVER ACTIVE message will be displayed on the DIC |
Load Shed 2 End | — | Greater Than 12.6 V | Battery has a net loss of less than 10.5 Ah | Clear Load Shed 2 |
Load Shed 3 Start | — | Less Than 11.9 V | Battery has a net loss greater than 20 Ah | Rear Defrost, Heated Mirrors, Heated Seats cycled OFF for 100% of their cycle. TheBATTERY SAVER ACTIVE message will be displayed on the DIC |
Load Shed 3 End | — | Greater Than 12.6 V | Battery has a net loss of less than 15 Ah | Clear Load Shed 3 |
Rear Wheelhouse Liner Replacement (Terrain) Panels Wheel Well Liner
Rear Wheelhouse Liner ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the tire and wheel assembly. Refer toTire and Wheel Removal and Installation.1Rear Wheelhouse Panel Liner Push-In Retainer(Qty:-7)2Rear Wheelhouse Panel Liner ScrewCaution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten6-Y(53-lb-in)3 ...