Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Oil Pan Removal Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Oil Pan Removal Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan

Oil Pan Removal Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan

Remove the oil pan bolts.Remove the oil pan at pry points.

Oil Pan Removal Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan
Remove the oil pan bolts-(1)and-(2).Using the pry points located at the edge of the oil panseparate the RTV sealant.Remove the oil pan-(1) from the block. ...

Oil Pan Disassemble Engine Lubrication Oil Sump/Pan
Remove the oil pan drain plug-(1) and seal-(2).Remove the oil pan scraper bolts-(2).Remove the oil pan scraper-(1).Remove the oil suction pipe bolts-(1).Remove the oil suction pipe-(2).Remove the oil ...

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Remove the crankshaft-(1) from the block.Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal-(2) from theblock.Note:Crankshaft bearings MUST be separated, marked, or organizedin a way to ensure installation to their original location andposition, when suitable for use.Remove the bearing inserts-(1) from theblock-(2 ...

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