Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic Sealant

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Use of Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) and Anaerobic Sealant

Sealant Types

Note:The correct sealant and amount of sealant must be used in theproper location to prevent oil leaks, coolant leaks, or theloosening of the fasteners. DO NOT interchange the sealants. Useonly the sealant, or equivalent, as specified in the serviceprocedure.

The following 2-major types of sealant arecommonly used in engines:

Anaerobic sealant room temperaturevulcanizing-(RTV)Anaerobic sealant, which include the following:Gasket eliminatorPipeThreadlockAnaerobic Type Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV)Sealant

Anaerobic type room temperature vulcanizing-(RTV)sealant cures in the absence of air. This type of sealant is usedwhere 2-components, such as the intake manifold and theengine block, are assembled together.

Use the following information when using RTV sealant:

Do not use RTV sealant in areas where extreme temperaturesare expected. These areas include:The exhaust manifoldThe head gasketAny other surfaces where a different type of sealant isspecified in the service procedureAlways follow all the safety recommendations and thedirections that are on the RTV sealant container.Use a plastic or wood scraper in order to remove all the RTVsealant from the components.

Caution:Do not allow the RTV sealant to enter any blind threadedhole. RTV sealant that is allowed to enter a blind threaded holecan cause hydraulic lock of the fastener when the fastener istightened. Hydraulic lock of a fastener can lead to damage to thefastener and/or the components. Hydraulic lock of a fastener canalso prevent the proper clamping loads to be obtained when thefastener is tightened. Improper clamping loads can prevent propersealing of the components allowing leakage to occur. Preventingproper fastener tightening can allow the components to loosen orseparate leading to extensive engine damage.

The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry.Use a RTV sealant bead size as specified in the serviceprocedure.Apply the RTV sealant bead to the inside of any bolt holesareas.

Note:Do not wait for the RTV sealant to skin over.

Assemble the components while the RTV sealant is still wet tothe touch, within 3-minutes.

Note:Do not overtighten the fasteners.

Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to theproper torque specifications.Anaerobic Type Gasket Eliminator Sealant

Anaerobic type gasket eliminator sealant cures in the absenceof air. This type of sealant is used where 2-rigidparts, such as castings, are assembled together. When2-rigid parts are disassembled and no sealant or gasketis readily noticeable, then the 2-parts were probablyassembled using an anaerobic type gasket eliminator sealant.

Use the following information when using gasket eliminatorsealant:

Always follow all the safety recommendations and directionsthat are on the gasket eliminator sealant container.Apply a continuous bead of gasket eliminator sealant to oneflange.

The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry.

Caution:Do not allow the sealant to enter a blind hole. The sealantmay prevent the fastener from achieving proper clamp load, causecomponent damage when the fastener is tightened, or lead tocomponent failure.


Gasket eliminator sealed joint fasteners that are partiallytorqued and the gasket eliminator sealant allowed to cure more than5-minutes, may result in incorrect shimming and sealingof the joint.Do not overtighten the fasteners.Apply the gasket eliminator sealant evenly to get a uniformthickness of the gasket eliminator sealant on the sealingsurface.Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to theproper torque specifications.After properly tightening the fasteners, remove the excessgasket eliminator sealant from the outside of the joint.Anaerobic Type Threadlock Sealant

Anaerobic type threadlock sealant cures in the absence ofair. This type of sealant is used for threadlocking and sealing ofbolts, fittings, nuts, and studs. This type of sealant cures onlywhen confined between 2-close fitting metalsurfaces.

Use the following information when using threadlocksealant:

Always follow all safety recommendations and directions thatare on the threadlock sealant container.The threaded surfaces to be sealed must be clean anddry.Apply the threadlock sealant as specified on the threadlocksealant container.


Fasteners that are partially torqued and then the threadlocksealant allowed to cure more than 5-minutes, may resultin incorrect clamp load of assembled components.Do not overtighten the fasteners.Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to theproper torque specifications.Anaerobic Type Pipe Sealant

Anaerobic type pipe sealant cures in the absence of air andremains pliable when cured. This type of sealant is used where2-parts are assembled together and require a leak proofjoint.

Use the following information when using pipe sealant:

Do not use pipe sealant in areas where extreme temperaturesare expected. These areas include:The exhaust manifoldThe head gasketSurfaces where a different sealant is specifiedAlways follow all the safety recommendations and thedirections that are on the pipe sealant container.The surfaces to be sealed must be clean and dry.Use a pipe sealant bead of the size or quantity as specifiedin the service procedure.

Caution:Do not allow the sealant to enter a blind hole. The sealantmay prevent the fastener from achieving proper clamp load, causecomponent damage when the fastener is tightened, or lead tocomponent failure.

Apply the pipe sealant bead to the inside of any bolt holeareas.Apply a continuous bead of pipe sealant to one sealingsurface.

Note:Do not overtighten the fasteners.

Tighten the fasteners in sequence, if specified, and to theproper torque specifications.
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