Removal ProcedureRemove the engine front cover. Refer toEngine Front Cover Replacement.
Remove the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner. Refer toPrimary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Tensioner Replacement.Remove the primary upper camshaft drive chain guide. Refer toPrimary Timing Chain Guide Removal - Upper.Installation Procedure
Install the primary upper camshaft drive chain guide. Refer toPrimary Timing Chain Guide Installation - Upper.Install the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner. Refer toPrimary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Tensioner Installation.Install the engine front cover. Refer toEngine Front Cover Replacement.
Starting System Description and Operation Starting System
The starter motors are non-repairable starter motors. They have pole pieces that arearranged around the armature. Both solenoid windings are energized. The pull-in windingcircuit is completed to the ground through the starter motor. The windings work togethermagnetically to pull and hold in the plun ...