Remove the fuel rail noise shield-(1).
Remove the fuel rail wiring connectors from the fuel feedpipe bracket.Remove the fuel feed pipe bolts-(1).Remove and discard the fuel feed pipe-(2).
Remove and discard the high pressure LH to RH fuel railcrossover pipe-(1).
Remove and discard high pressure fuel pumpbolts-(1).Remove the high pressure fuel pump-(2).Remove the valve lifter follower-(3).Remove and discard the high pressure fuel pumpgasket-(4).Remove and discard the high pressure fuel pumpO-ring-(5).
Universal Remote System Programming
If equipped, these buttons are in the
overhead console.
This system can replace up to three
remote control transmitters used to
activate devices such as garage
door openers, security systems, and
home automation devices. These
instructions refer to a garage door
opener, but can be used ...