Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Separating Parts

In addition to the room temperaturevulcanizing-(RTV) sealant's sealing capabilities, theRTV sealants may form an adhesive bond between the components. Thismay make the components difficult to remove or to separate. Prypoints have been provided in the components that utilize RTV as thesealing system. Pry points are positioned so they can be usedwithout damaging other vital engine components.

Oil Pump Disassemble Engine Lubrication Oil Pump
Important:There are no serviceable components within the oil pump.Disassemble the pump only to diagnose an oiling concern. Adisassembled oil pump must not be reused. A disassembled oil pumpmust be rep ...

Water Pump and Balance Shaft Chain and Sprocket Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block Cylinder Block Balance Shaft
Inspect the balance shaft drive chain guides-(3,5, 8) for cracking or wear.Replace the balance shaft drive chain guides if wear exceeds1.12-mm (0.045-in) depth on the chain guidesurface.Inspect the ba ...

Other materials:

Protecting Exterior Bright Metal Moldings
Caution Failure to clean and protect the bright metal moldings can result in a hazy white finish or pitting. This damage would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. The bright metal moldings on the vehicle are aluminum, chrome, or stainless steel. To prevent damage a ...

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