Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: New Vehicle Break-In Starting System

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / New Vehicle Break-In Starting System

Caution:The vehicle does not need an elaborate break-in. But it will perform better in thelong run if you follow these guidelines:

Do not drive at any one constant speed, fast or slow, for the first 805-km (500-mi).Do not make full-throttle starts. Avoid downshifting to brake or slow the vehicle.Avoid making hard stops for the first 322-km (200-mi) or so. During this time thenew brake linings are not yet broken in. Hard stops with new linings can mean prematurewear and earlier replacement. Follow this breaking-in guideline every time you getnew brake linings.

Following break-in, engine speed and load can be gradually increased.

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