Prior to installing the water pump, read the entireprocedure. Pay special attention to avoid part damage and to ensureproper sealing.
Install the water pump assembly-(1).Install the water pump bolts. Finger tighten thebolts.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Tighten the water pump bolts to25-Y-(18-lb-ft).Apply sealant to the water pump drain plug. Refer toAdhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.Install the water pump drain plug, if necessary. Tighten to20-Y-(15-lb-ft).Install the water feed tube-(1).Lubricate the feed tube O-ring withantifreeze.Install the water feed tube by twisting and pushing towardthe water pump. Take care not to tear or damage theO-ring.Install the thermostat housing-(2) to block boltsand stud and tighten to10-Y-(89-lb-in).
Install the engine coolant temperature sensor-(1)by hand.Tighten the engine coolant temperature sensor and tighten to20-Y-(15-lb-ft).
Event Data Recorders
This vehicle is equipped with an
event data recorder (EDR). The
main purpose of an EDR is to
record, in certain crash or near
crash-like situations, such as an air
bag deployment or hitting a road
obstacle, data that will assist in
understanding how a vehicle's
systems performed. The EDR is