Special ToolsEN 8087Cylinder Bore GaugeEN 28410Gasket Remover
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Cleaning ProcedureRemove any old thread sealant, gasket material or sealantusingEN 28410remover.Clean all the following areas with solvent:Sealing surfacesCooling passagesOil passagesBearing journalsClean all threaded and through holes with solvent.Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.
Dry the engine block with compressed air.Visual InspectionInspect the crankshaft bearings journals for damage or spunbearings. The crankshaft bearing journals are not repairable, ifthe crankshaft bearing journals are damaged the cylinder blockassembly must be replaced.Inspect the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner mountingsurface on the engine block for burrs or any defects that woulddegrade the sealing of the NEW primary camshaft drive chaintensioner gasket.Inspect all sealing and mating surfaces for damage, repair orreplace the cylinder block assembly if necessary.Inspect all threaded and through holes for damage orexcessive debris.Inspect all bolts for damage, if damaged replace with NEWbolts only.Inspect the cylinder walls for cracks or damage. The cylindersleeves are not serviced separately, if the cylinders are damagedthe cylinder block assembly must be replaced.Inspect the engine block for cracks. Do not repair anycracks. If cracks are found, the cylinder block assembly must bereplaced.Repair any damaged threaded holes. Refer toThread Repair SpecificationsandThread Repair.Measuring Cylinder Bore Diameter
Measure the cylinder bore diameter 37-mm(1.457-in) from the deck face using theEN 8087gauge.
Compare your results with theEngine Mechanical Specifications. If the cylinder diameterexceeds the specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized to0.25-mm (0.010-in). There is only one size ofoversized pistons and rings available for service.
Measuring Cylinder Bore TaperMeasure the cylinder bore along the thrust surfaces,perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline, at 10-mm(0.397-in) below the deck surface and record yourmeasurement.Measure the cylinder bore along the thrust surfaces,perpendicular to the crankshaft centerline, at 100-mm(3.976-in) below the deck surface and record yourmeasurement.Calculate the difference between the2-measurements. The result will be the cylindertaper.Compare your results with theEngine Mechanical Specifications. If the cylinders exceedthe specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized to0.25-mm (0.010-in). There is only one size ofoversized pistons and rings available for service.Measuring Cylinder BoreOut-of-RoundMeasure both the thrust and non-thrust cylinderdiameter at 10-mm (0.397-in) below the deck.Record your measurements.Calculate the difference between the2-measurements. The result will indicateout-of-round at the upper end of thecylinder.Measure both the thrust and non-thrust cylinderdiameter at 100-mm (3.976-in) below the decksurface. Record your measurements.Calculate the difference between the2-measurements. The result will indicateout-of-round at the lower end of thecylinder.Compare your results with theEngine Mechanical Specifications. If the cylinders exceedthese specifications, the cylinder block may be oversized to0.25-mm (0.010-in). There is only one size ofoversized pistons and rings available for service.Deck Flatness InspectionEnsure the engine block decks are clean and free of gasketmaterial.Inspect the surface for any imperfections or scratches thatcould inhibit proper cylinder head gasket sealing.Place a straight-edge diagonally across thecylinder block deck face surface.Measure the clearance between the straight-edgeand the cylinder block deck face using a feeler gauge at4-points along the straight-edge.If the warpage is less than 0.05-mm(0.002-in), the cylinder block deck surface does notrequire resurfacing.If the warpage is between 0.05–0.20-mm(0.002–0.008-in) or any imperfections orscratches that could inhibit proper cylinder head gasket sealingare present, the cylinder block deck surface requiresresurfacing.If resurfacing is required the maximum amount that can beremoved is 0.25-mm (0.010-in).If the cylinder block deck surface requires more than0.25-mm (0.010-in) material removal the blockmust be replaced.
Engine Replacement
Special ToolsJ-38185Hose Clamp PliersFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Removal ProcedureRelieve the fuel pressure. Refer toFuel Pressure Relief.Remove negative battery cable from engine block. Refer toBattery Negative Cable ReplacementDisconnect the negative battery cable. Refer t ...