Special Tools
EN-45059Angle Meter
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Removal ProcedureRemove the right bank secondary timing chain. Refer toSecondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Replacement - Right Side.Remove the power brake booster pump aside.Remove the catalytic converter . Refer toCatalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side.Remove the right cylinder head bolts-(1).Remove the right cylinder head-(2).Remove Ground wire and harness and position aside.
Remove and discard the cylinder headgasket-(1).Clean and inspect the cylinder head and the engine blocksealing surfaces. Refer toCylinder Head Cleaning and InspectionandEngine Block Cleaning and Inspection.Transfer parts as needed. Refer toCylinder Head DisassembleandCylinder Head Assemble.Installation Procedure
Ensure the cylinder head locating pins are securely mountedin the cylinder block deck face.Install a NEW right cylinder head gasket-(1) usingthe deck face locating pins for retention.
Align the right cylinder head (2) with the deck face locatingpins.Place the right cylinder head in position on the deckface.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
DO NOT allow oil on the cylinder head bolt bosses.DO NOT reuse the old cylinder head bolts.Install the NEW M11 cylinder headbolts-(1).Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a first pass in sequenceto30-Y(22-lb-ft).Tighten the M11 cylinder head bolts a second pass in sequencean additional150-degrees using theEN-45059meter.Install the NEW M8 cylinder head bolt-(2).Tighten the M8 cylinder head bolt a first pass to15-Y(11-lb-ft).Tighten the M8 cylinder head bolt a second pass an additional75-degrees using theEN-45059meter.Install the right bank secondary timing chain. Refer toSecondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Replacement - Right Side.Install the exhaust manifold. Refer toCatalytic Converter Replacement - Right Side.Install the camshaft cover. Refer toCamshaft Cover Replacement - Right Side.Rear Bumper Upper Fascia Replacement Bumpers Rear Bumper
Rear Bumper Upper Fascia ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the rear bumper fascia molding. Refer toRear Bumper Fascia Molding Replacement.1Rear Bumper Upper Fascia Screw (Qty:-2)Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten6-Y(53-lb-in)2Rear Bumper Upper FasciaProcedureCarefully ...