Special ToolsEN-39313 -Spark Plug Port AdapterEN-46106 -Flywheel Holding ToolEN-46110 -On-Vehicle Valve Spring CompressorEN-46116 -Valve Stem Seal Remover/Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Removal ProcedureNote:This procedure is not used in Brazil.
Remove the rocker arms. Refer toValve Rocker Arm Replacement - Right Side.Remove the starter motor. Refer toStarter Replacement.Note:If the EN-46106 -tool-is not installed, the crankshaft may rotate. If the crankshaft rotates, disassemblyand reassembly of the entire camshaft timing system may be required.
Install the EN-46106 -tool-in order to prevent crankshaft rotation.Remove the spark plug from the applicable cylinder. Refer toSpark Plug Replacement.Install the EN-39313 -adapter-to the applicable cylinder.Connect the EN-39313 -adapter-to a compressed air source.Install the EN-46110 -compressor-above the applicable cylinder as shown.Tighten the EN-46110 -compressor-nut-(2).
Remove the valve keepers.Loosen the EN-46110 -compressor-nut.Remove the valve spring retainer.
Remove the valve spring.
Use the EN-46116 -remover/installer-(1) in order to remove the valve stem seal-(2).Installation Procedure
Use the EN-46116 -remover/installer-(1) in order to install the valve stem seals-(2).
Install the valve spring.Install the valve spring retainer.
Install the EN-46110 -compressor-above the applicable valve spring as shown.
Tighten the EN-46110 -compressor-nut-(2).
Install the valve spring keepers.Remove the EN-46110 -compressor.Disconnect the EN-39313 -adapter-from the compressed air source.Remove the EN-39313 -adapter.Install the spark plugs. Refer toSpark Plug Replacement.Install the rocker arms . Refer toValve Rocker Arm Replacement - Right Side.Remove the EN-46106 -tool.Install the starter motor. Refer toStarter Replacement.
Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip Replacement Panels
Liftgate Upper Weatherstrip ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Liftgate Upper WeatherstripProcedureClean the area where the liftgate upper weatherstrip will bemounted. Use a suitable solvent with a mixture to50-percent isopropyl alcohol and 50-percentwater by volume, or high-flash naptha.Apply thumb p ...