Warning:Road test a vehicle under safe conditions and while obeyingall traffic laws. Do not attempt any maneuvers that couldjeopardize vehicle control. Failure to adhere to these precautionscould lead to serious personal injury and vehicle damage.
Burnishing the brake pads and brake rotors is necessary inorder to ensure that the braking surfaces are properly preparedafter service has been performed on the disc brake system.
This procedure should be performed whenever the disc brakerotors have been refinished or replaced, and/or whenever the discbrake pads have been replaced.
Select a smooth road with little or no traffic.Accelerate the vehicle to 48-km/h(30-mph).Note:Use care to avoid overheating the brakes while performingthis step.
Using moderate to firm pressure, apply the brakes to bringthe vehicle to a stop. Do not allow the brakes to lock.Repeat steps 2 and 3 until approximately 20 stops have beencompleted. Allow sufficient cooling periods between stops in orderto properly burnish the brake pads and rotors.Fastener Tightening Specifications - Disc Brakes Disc Brakes
Fastener Tightening SpecificationsApplicationSpecificationMetricEnglishBrake Caliper Bracket Bolt- Front190-Y140-lb-ftBrake Caliper Bracket Bolt- Rear125-Y92-lb-ftBrake Caliper Guide Pin Bolt- Front andRear27-Y20-lb-ftBrake Hose Fitting Bolt- Front40-Y30-lb-ftBrake Hose Fitting Bolt- Rear52-Y38-lb-f ...