Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.
Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.
With the tire and wheel assemblies removed and the brakerotors retained by wheel lug nuts, visually inspect the caliperpiston dust boot-(2) sealing area to ensure that thereare no brake fluid leaks.If any evidence of a brake fluid leak is present, the brakecaliper requires overhaul or replacement.While the brake system is at rest-(4), observe theposition of the caliper piston-(1) in relation to thecaliper housing.Have an assistant apply and release the brake pedal severaltimes while you observe the operation of the hydraulic brakecaliper.Observe the caliper piston-(1) for unrestrictedand even movement during each apply of the brakesystem-(5).Observe the caliper piston-(1) for an unrestrictedand even return motion during each release of the brakesystem-(6).If the caliper piston-(1) did not exhibitunrestricted and even movement during brake system apply and/orrelease, the piston square seal-(3) may be worn ordamaged and the caliper may require overhaul or replacement.Lift Plate and Holding Fixture Removal Automatic Transmission Unit
Lift Plate and Holding Fixture RemovalCalloutComponent Name1 DT-46625 Transmission Holding FixtureFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.Note:Raise the transmission in order to remove the holding fixture.2 DT-47811-S1 Transmission Lift PlateFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecia ...